Afl report Good news for West Coast Eagles: He is back..

Powerbrokers for the West Coast Eagles support Adam Simpson

Adam Simpson has the support of two powerful West Coast individuals who believe the Eagles should keep the troubled senior coach in place until 2024.

Although Simpson’s job is in jeopardy as the club board considers whether to pay out his contract and split the company, longtime club chairman Murray McHenry and wealthy real estate tycoon Nigel Satterley have urged Simpson to stay on as coach for the upcoming season.

Having been a stakeholder, board member, and one of the club’s founding fathers, McHenry went on to become chairman in the late 1990s. Trevor Nisbett, the CEO, and Paul Fitzpatrick, the current chairman, are close to him.

At the Eagles, McHenry saw himself as “a strong Adam Simpson person to be coach.” “There’s no reason for me to alter that verdict,” he declared.

McHenry claimed that injuries were the primary cause of West Coast’s appalling performances and hinted that the Eagles had been successful in 2017 and 2018 when Sam Mitchell served as Simpson’s playing assistant coach and coach, respectively.

“The reason for the significant losses is not that one or two players are out, but rather five or six.”

If Simpson was cut with two years remaining on his contract, the Eagles would have to pay out more than $1.6 million, and maybe even more if they significantly exceeded the soft cap on football and paid a big tax. “That’s a huge expense for us and are we going to do better than Adam Simpson?” McHenry questioned in reference to that prospect.

Adam Simpson stays as West Coast coach despite wooden spoon

Simpson ought to stay the team’s coach, according to Satterley, one of Perth’s largest real estate tycoons who has helped the Eagles over the years by providing investments for important players and coaches.

“I’m in the Adam’s camp to stay,” declared Satterley, a prominent person in Perth politics and business who, despite being a Liberal Party member, is a supporter of former premier Mark McGowan. “Adam has been fantastic for our football team and I think highly of him as a person and family man.”

Satterley, however, also demanded that the West Coast club board assume responsibility for the club’s situation. “The football team needs to be taken over by the board.”

Satterley was an early shareholder when the Eagles were a publicly traded company and continued to have sway from the 1990s to the present, much like McHenry and the latter’s close ally, attorney Neil Hamilton. “A high cost, low profit industry,” he said, describing the AFL, “it has to be

West Coast Eagles coach Adam Simpson says he's the right man for the job after 171-point belting by Sydney | The West Australian

McHenry enjoys a close working connection with Paul Fitzpatrick, the West Coast chairman, who served as the lawyer for the WA football commission.

The club’s eight-member board must decide if a new beginning is necessary in light of the team’s five 100-point losses and poor performance this season, even though the two seasoned powerbrokers have backed Simpson. The coach is fully aware that he may lose his job the next week.

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