sad news another tragic event embrace Kansas City…

Missouri’s Kansas City Following Jackson Mahomes’s since-deleted social media tirade against the club, SoT, a cocktail establishment on Grand Boulevard in Kansas City, has responded to the brother of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes.

Mahomes received a note from SoT stating that he lost his cool because they couldn’t fit his big party.

It’s time to discuss.

We are currently seeing a lot of activity on social media in relation to a recent visit that one of our guests was not happy with. We just cannot overlook this as this person has a large number of social media followers.

Power consists of voice, reach, and influence. In this instance, as with many locally owned enterprises, a company’s success or failure might be determined by the influence of a small number of social media celebrities. This gives these individuals the ability to have an impact on our way of life.

Some people have risen to prominence by acting with integrity, wisdom, positivity, and sincerity.

Conversely, some people have developed their fan bases by being the complete opposite.

Having stated that, we must apologize in a few ways.

We apologize for establishing limits that you attempted to cross. People who feel entitled and have unearned status frequently feel they are above the law and will fight back against the staff member who is implementing it.

We apologize for not being able to seat your sizable group. Our bar is small, as you have already noticed.

We apologize that rather than utilizing your influence for good, you chose to attempt and destroy a tiny company. You may believe that you have a lot of influence.

We’ve weathered a worldwide pandemic; we can handle your ego too.

We apologize that you didn’t get in touch with us before using social media, but then again, that’s what we would have expected from a responsible adult, not someone who dances on the graves of the dead and dumps water on admirers in order to acquire influence on TikTok.

lthough we were not lucky enough to come from a more illustrious or talented family, we would like to think that if we were, Awe would make more appropriate use of our influence.

We hope you find our apologies helpful.

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